Motherhood Recipes My Eggplant Rollatini Story: The Birth of My Son Trevor! It was February 21, 1999. My husband and I, with our son Max, were invited to dinner at September 21, 2020Read more
Inspiration Empty Nester: 10 Ways To Fill The Gap Now that the kids are off to college, what now? What do you do with your time? The April 13, 2020Read more
Inspiration Motherhood The Power of Positive Thinking: How it Prolonged my Mother’s Life Is positive thinking a medical miracle? We all have heard the saying mind over matter, but how effective February 24, 2020Read more
Inspiration With Age Comes Wisdom Welcome to my 50’s. It seems like more and more people are redefining and reinventing themselves as they February 18, 2020Read more
Motherhood You’ll Always Be My Valentine Mom! Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. How do you celebrate it with your kids? Let me share with you February 10, 2020Read more